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The latest news and updates

December 2024 - Hi everyone! I hope your 2024 has gone well. I'm in the process of drawing Zoonbats Chapter 7, with the first 27 pages completed so far. I am estimating that it will end up being about 70-80 pages total, but the last several pages are going to be very unusual — so it's hard for me to say until I get to them exactly how many pages that sequence will end up being. I'm also doing some rewrites of the second half of this chapter — not really changing the plot, but just adjusting the tone and focus. By the way, I have a few copies of issues 1-6 remaining. Based on my research this past year, it's not really worth the effort and fees to set up an ecommerce shop here on the site, so send me an email if you're interested in them.

March 2024 - Digital flipbooks for Chapter 5 & 6, plus each issue's additional zine, are up! If you'd like to buy print editions of any of these, the next opportunity coming up will be Canzine 2024, which will be happening online from April 13-21.

February 2024 - I completed drawing the story pages for Chapter 5 in mid-December, and worked on some final edit/polish passes for the remainder of the month. Throughout January, I worked on formatting and supplemental materials. As I began to format the print zine, I learned that it would be too many pages to print in the typical saddle stitch style that would match all the previous issues. The only option was to use perfect binding, which is a paperback book with a spine. That wasn't appealing to me, so I decided to split Chapter 5 into two chapters. So, surprise (to me, at least)! - Chapter 6 is now done as well. Of course this required a lot of additional formatting, new cover designs, new illustrations, and bonus supplemental materials.

About those bonus materials... both Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 are coming with a bonus zine tucked into the back of each issue, "The Carver Ave. Review" issues 1 and 2. This is a fictional in-world zine created by some of the characters who work at the Belladonna Theatre, and includes reviews of the movies they have shown there as well as music reviews of local Haquel bands. The illustrations are full-page versions of some of the small background details that can be seen in and around the theater in Chapters 5 and 6. The text includes conversations and writings by various characters, giving some insight into their relationships, culture, and opinions on art and life.

So that's four new zines incoming. They're currently being printed, and when they arrive I'll work on some cool papercrafting to create a small pocket in the backs of Zoonbats Chapters 5 and 6 where the Carver Ave. Review zines will be tucked in. On March 30, I'll be dirt hustling all these at the FLUKE Mini-Comics & Zine Festival in Athens, GA. Meanwhile, I'm working on scripting for the conclusion of the story, which will comprise Chapters 7 and 8.

December 2023 - Chapter 5 is in progress. Currently 69 out of 79 pages are drawn. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! This chapter has had so many interesting challenges. Drawing scenes with up to nine characters at once... multiple locations in and around the Belladonna Theater... seeing the train yard in much more detail... as well as a few dramatic two-page spreads. Once all of the story pages are drawn, I'll do editing and revision passes and work on designing the rest of the zine - cover illustration, story notes, and the "Etc." section which will contain some sort of interesting(?) jibber-jabber about the creation process. I'm aiming to complete this by the end of the year, and then it will likely take a few weeks to get all the printing done.


Copyright © 2025 by Giles O'Dell